March 22, 2008

Ebay Tips #1: Keyword Search Tactics

Buyer’s Tips
My Ebay Tips No. #1

Most of the times, I could hear coin buyers complaining how expensive to buy coins on Ebay. Actually you can find thousands of items on Ebay at a fair and cheaper price if you will just do your homework. Keyword and spelling those are simple yet effective ways to begin with. Don’t assume that all Sellers on Ebay are equip with information and references regarding the items they are selling. Most of them are individuals just wanting to make extra cash by selling stuffs found in their attics, liquidate neighbors or relatives garage inventory, or disposing some old stuffs so they could renovate their houses. Most of them doesn’t even know what they are selling so most of the times you could find items labeled with keyword such as “unknown”, “unidentified”, attic find, dug, miscellaneous.

For coin searches, here are some of the most effective keywords: worldwide, Asian, oriental, Chinese (because most Seller’s presume that scripts are Chinese if it is similar to Chinese characters so Thailand, Japan, Korea, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Mongolia are recognized as Chinese), Asiatic, miscellaneous, salvaged, cob, pirate, etc.

For specific coin searches, if you are looking for Philippine materials try to use these keywords instead of typing Philippines only: Carolus, Ferdin, Isabel, SpanFil, Philippine Island, JapOcc, Pilipinas, Filipinas, Filipino, Pilipino, United States Possession, etc. The reason why using such keywords give you advantages is because of lesser competitions and items most of the times are being sold at lesser prices since most Sellers are not aware of common buyers keyword searches. In terms of spelling, this could be the best way to make the Sellers mistakes in favor of your gain. These are the common mistakes of Sellers for selling Philippine products, most of them spell Philippines as Philipines, Philipine, Phillpines, Phillpine, Phillippines, Phillippine, Philipinas, and Phillipinas. You could also check this one, Manilla instead of Manila. Although there is place in Canada that is also called Manilla, there are also items listed under these category that is Manila.

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