June 27, 2011

BSP presented Jose Rizal on Philippine Currencies Since 1903 to descendants

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) pays tribute to national hero Jose Rizal, whose 150th birth anniversary is on Sunday, June 19, through an exhibition of Philippine banknotes and coins. The exhibit “Rizal in Our Midst: A Homage to Greatness” showcases the different denominations ranging from five centavos to as high as 100 pesos since 1903 where the image of Rizal or his monument appears. Today, Rizal is on one-piso coins, making him accessible to most Filipinos. About five billion one-piso coins or 30 percent of total coins are in circulation today. On June 19, BSP will launch a commemorative medal bearing Rizal’s image, his signature and his handwritten phrase “Adios Patria Adorada.” BSP will also issue special edition legal tender one-piso coins bearing Rizal’s image and the “150 years” inscription before the end of 2011. At the opening of the exhibit, BSP Gov. Amando Tetangco, Jr. (center) flanked by Monetary Board Members Alfredo Antonio and Nelly Favis-Villafuerte presented to the descendants of Rizal a framed replica of Jose Rizal banknotes, coins and commemorative medals. They are (front row): Amelia Garcia Yulo, Enrique Herbosa, Gemma Cruz-Araneta, Mia Faustmann, Atty. Ramoncita Reyes and Ismael Guerrero Cruz, Jr. (back row): Patricia Herbosa Grau, Jose Rizal Lopez, Vivencio Villaruz, Jr., Alberto Filart, Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Teresita Herbosa and Carmen Cruz. The family members descended from Rizal’s brother Paciano and sisters Lucia, Saturnina, Maria, Narcisa and Olimpia.

Rizal coins and medals have been popularly produced and minted by other private organization, relgious sect or cults, educational institutions, and other foreign countries. Some medals are even treated with Godly respect and power like those of Rizalistas and other local masonic organizations.

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